Client Summary


Amidst their exponential growth and subsequent acquisition by Nestle, Vital Proteins encountered a critical oversight concerning their Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) site. Despite the brand's successful expansion, the e-commerce platform lagged behind, lacking essential conversion rate best practices, effective product communication, and a comprehensive portrayal of key elements such as unique selling points and benefits. Recognizing the urgency of rectifying these issues, I joined the team as a Senior CRO Designer to address the formidable challenges.


My tenure with Vital Proteins spanned an entire year, during which I played a pivotal role in orchestrating a comprehensive solution to revamp their DTC site. To gain a nuanced understanding of user behavior and preferences, I conducted User Interviews on platforms like, collecting valuable insights to pre-validate assumptions and hypotheses before implementation. Armed with these insights, I meticulously designed the entire store, integrating findings from user research, conversion rate best practices, and a targeted focus on enhancing the user journey. The result was a revitalized online storefront that not only aligned with the brand's expansive growth but also demonstrated a commitment to elevating user experience and conversion rates in tandem.